(Quick Reference)



This is an abstract class implementation for managing directories / buckets in the cloud.


Below is an example of how a Directory might be used. Typically you would not use this class directly but rather use an implementation of this class. (i.e. LocalDirectory or S3Directory)

Directory dir = new Directory(provider: provider, name: name)

if(!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdir() } //List all files recursively dir.listFiles()

//List Files in a sub"folder" dir.listFiles(prefix: 'config/')


The CloudFile Interface supports the following Methods and Properties:

  • name - Property for setting the directory name or retrieving.
  • provider - Reference to the provider for this directory (needed to get access to credentials)
  • exists() - Test if the directory actually exists or not on the server
  • isDirectory() - Returns true in most cases.
  • isFile() - Returns false.
  • mkdir() - Save the directory to the server.
  • save() - Save the directory to the server.
  • delete() - Delete the directory from the server.
  • getFile() - Returns a reference to a file by name. Creates a new CloudFile object if none exist.
  • listFiles() - Lists all files in the directory (in most cases this is recursive). A prefix option can be specified to filter the list.