(Quick Reference)



This is an abstract class implementation for manipulating files in the cloud.


Below is an example of how a CloudFile might be used. Typically you would not use this class directly but rather use an implementation of this class. (i.e. LocalFile or S3File)

CloudFile file = new CloudFile(provider: provider, parent: directory , name: name)

file.text = "Setting test Content" file.contentType = "text/plain" if(!file.exists()) { file.save() }


The CloudFile Interface supports the following Methods and Properties:

  • name - Property for setting the file name or retrieving.
  • getInputStream() - Retrieve an input stream containing the contents of the file
  • getText() - Get a String instance of the contents of the file. (Optionally pass an encoding)
  • getBytes() - Get a byte array of the contents of this file.
  • getParent() - Get reference to the Directory object this file is stored in.
  • setBytes() - Set the contents of this file to a byte array (note in most cases save() must be called to commit this to the cloud).
  • setText() - Set the contents of this file to a String value (note in most cases save() must be called to commit this to the cloud).
  • contentType - Get or set the contentType of the file.
  • contentLength - Get or set the contentLength of the file.
  • exists() - Test if the file actually exists or not on the server
  • isDirectory() - Returns false in most cases (LocalStorage implementations may return true)
  • isFile() - Returns true in most cases (LocalStorage implementation is the exception)
  • setMetaAttribute() - Set a key with a value for the file.
  • getMetaAttribute() - Get value of meta attribtue.
  • getMetaAttribtues() - Get a Map of all metadata.
  • @removeMetaAttribute() - Remove an attribute on the file.
  • save() - Save the file to the server.
  • delete() - Delete the file from the server.