(Quick Reference)



This is the base provider abstract class for defining various providers.


Below is an example of how a LocalStorageProvider might be initialized.

import com.bertramlabs.plugins.karman.local
def provider = new LocalStorageProvider(basePath: "/path/to/storage/location")

//Shorthand provider['folder']['example.txt'] = "This is a string i am storing in example.txt"


The StorageProvider creates an interface that allows for defining different cloud providers. To initialize a LocalStorageProvider all that is needed is a basePath on your filesystem:

  • getDirectories - Fetches a list of directories / buckets.
  • getDirectory - Fetches a specific directory or creatse a new instance of a directory.
  • getDefaultFileACL - Fetches the Default File Access Control value for saving.
  • setDefaultFileACL - Scope this specific provider instane to a default File Access Control Value.